The IRS has released Rev. Proc. 2020-32, which provides the 2021 inflation-adjusted amounts for Health Savings Accounts. For 2021, the HSA contribution limit for individual coverage will be $3,600. For…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a Temporary Period of Relaxed Enforcement of certain time frames related to group market requirements under the Public Health Service…
On May 12, the IRS released two notices providing relief on cafeteria plan election rules and increasing the allowed health FSA carryover. The first notice, IRS Notice 2020-29, provides for…
You cannot change the fact that you have a mental illness, so any time you spend trying to “get rid of it” or pretend it doesn’t exist is only draining you of valuable energy. Accept yourself.
So what exactly is workplace wellness and how can it benefit your company? An article in the December 2010 issue of the Harvard Business Review defines workplace wellness as an organized program that a company initiates for their employees -- and sometimes their employees' family members -- to help reduce health risks, to enhance personal effectiveness, to improve quality of life and to benefit the organization's bottom line.
The IRS and Employee Benefits Security Administration (U.S. Labor Department) have jointly issued a final rule to extend certain timeframes concerning participants’ rights to healthcare coverage, portability, and continuation of group health plan coverage under COBRA, and to extend the time for plan participants to file or perfect benefit claims or appeals of denied claims.
This Policy Update covers several recent federal and state issues related to COVID-19 coverage: CMS issues testing coverage guidelines Stimulus funding prohibits provider balance billing for COVID-19 treatment Overview of…
People with autism are far less concerned with prestige and status than their neurotypical peers. As a result, they worry less about brand names, high-end restaurants, and other expensive but unimportant externals than most people do.