Children’s Health by the Numbers
- 20% of children from ages 6-11 are diagnosed with obesity.**
- 20 million Americans from ages 3-17 are estimated to have a mental health disorder.***
- Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. children are reported as having a special health care need.*****
- Around 8% of children from ages 5-11 missed over 10 days of school in the past year due to illness, injury, or disability.**
- Around 4% of children younger than 18 do not have health insurance.**
- Around 14.5 million children are estimated to be lacking any kind of vaccination.******
- The mortality rate for children under 5 has declined by 47% in the past two decades.****

7 Steps for Improving Children’s Health
- Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
A simple way to improve children’s health is to stock up on immune-boosting nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. - Keep Up with Vaccinations
Vaccines help prevent many common diseases that once would have severely harmed or killed children. - Maintain Proper Hygiene
Stay clean. Encourage daily habits like brushing teeth and handwashing to help stop health problems before they start. - Move Bedtime Earlier
A little more sleep goes a long way, and that’s especially true for children! Lack of sleep makes children more susceptible to illness. - Get 60 Minutes of Exercise Every Day
Getting outside and staying active is a vital part of children’s health. At the very least, encourage about an hour of exercise a day. - Make Regular Check-Ups
Regular doctor’s appointments not only give children’s health a boost, but they can catch health problems early and ensure better chances for treatment. - Encourage Their Feelings
Mental health is just as important as physical! Remember to teach children about emotional wellness and how to improve it.
As we celebrate Children’s Health Month this August, be sure to check in on the health of the children in your life! Looking out for wellbeing earlier in your life helps ensure a better future. Let’s work toward healthier and happier childhoods for all!
Looking for more health tips and insights?
Check out our previous blogs!
Additional Sources
* https://www.who.int/health-topics/child-health#tab=tab_1
** https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/child-health.htm
*** https://nihcm.org/publications/the-state-of-childrens-health-in-the-united-states
**** https://platform.who.int/data/maternal-newborn-child-adolescent-ageing/child-data
***** https://mchb.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/mchb/data-research/nsch-data-brief-cyshcn-2019-2020.pdf