In this webinar, we discuss partnership updates with various Networks, Captives, and PBMs, take a look at the BRMS Care Management Team, and give a comprehensive update on the enhancements that have and will be made to the MyHealthBenefits platform.

BRMS Brings Joy! Welcome to the Future of Benefits
BRMS has partnered closely with HealthJoy, the complete Care Navigation Solution, to provide integration between our services. We’ll talk about how this partnership can be a game changer for your clients, members, and employers through: savings opportunities, heightened patient engagement and utilization, 24/7 concierge support, real-time monitoring and reporting, and unprecedented member satisfaction.

The Basics of Stop Loss & Self-Funding – 07/23/2020
What is Stop Loss? How does Stop Loss protect a Self-Funded health plan? What are the types of Stop Loss coverage? If you’ve ever been curious about Stop Loss and Self Funded Insurance, you owe it to yourself to join us. Listen as BRMS and Stop Loss Insurance Services (an AmWINS Group Company) lead an overview of Self Funding, Stop Loss and more!

Connecting Employees with Their Benefits, Virtually. 05/28/2020
Day-to-day operations have completely changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; affecting employer groups and HR professionals tremendously. We understand, now more than ever, the need to connect employees to benefits virtually. MyHealthBenefits enables members to access their benefits, make status changes and enroll in benefits during open enrollment.